Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Extracurricular Activities

Tennis- Tennis is such a great sport and I have met so many people through it. The tennis team at school was especially fun because Coach Van Meter was a really chill and fun coach. I also got sometime to hangout with my friends and also got to play some matches with them too. It was especially fun kicking Westridges sorry bottom. I am excited for Westlake tennis next year and ready to get to know the Westridge people and tennis players.

Bikram Yoga-When my mom first intrduced me to hot yoga, i thought it was going to be extremely hard. Once I started it though, I absolutely loved it. I love the way it makes me feel and how calm I am after. I introduced a lot of people in 8th grade,too. Theres something so refreshing about just sweating out your stress and worries. I am so thankful for my mom introducing me to it.

Acting- I've been acting for 6 years now and Its my absolute passion. Everything about it fascinates me so much and I love it. When I was told that they were having the play Annie at Kids Acting Studio, I just had to take advantage. I tried out and I got the roll of Mrs. Hannigan! Its been so fun to transform into this nasty, old women ever week. I also sent my resume into Universal Studios to be an extra for the movie True Grit. It was fun to go to the interview, but I didnt make it. Oh well, there will be more to come.