Sunday, May 23, 2010

Reflections on 8th Grade!

Three Accomplishments from This Year-

1. Got back into Acting since 6th Grade

2. Got my top-spin on my serve in tennis

3. Passed my Reading and Math Taks!

Three Things that I would Love to Improve On-

1. Studying- My life would be 10 times better if I could improve on studying.Its such a good tool to have and I will most likely need it for the next 8 years of my life. I really need to find a good study ethic to suceed at Westlake

2. Acting- Acting is such a great thing for me because I get a chance to be anyone I want to. I would to improve on it, because I want to most likely major in something involving it in college,

3. Writing- I really like writing as it is, but I'm just not that good at it. I would really like to improve on it because I really like to write in my journal and it would be really nice to know different ways of Writing. Not that they don't teach us how to write in school, its just a boring way of writing in school.

Three Goals I have for 9th Grade-

1. Meet New People- I have already met so many amazing Westridge people that I just want to expand my friendships. I love to meet new people and get to know them! I think If I do this next year it will make my expirience 100 times better!

2. Make good grades- At Westlake High School It is very hard to make all A's but I plan on doing it! I just need a good study ethic! I also need to keep my grades up all four years because I would love to get into a good University.

3. Do the best I can- My parents always tell me this and It makes me feel so good. I know that I can always be content with myself If I know that I did the best I could.

A conversation with a friend that taught me about myself?-

One time my friend Maddie and I were talking about how we hate when people criticize other people. While we were talking about it, she admitted to me that I criticize people fairly a lot,too. Through this conversation, I not only learned that I am sometimes not the nicest person to people,but I also learned to fix the problem and be more empathetic towards people.