Wednesday, May 26, 2010

At My Play :)

Off To The Circus... :)

I Guess You Could Say My Friends Are Pretty Cool...

About to Catch Some Air... The Usual...

Just Chillin Out...

Best Fwiend :)

My Absolute Favorite Picture from Jackson,WY

More Las Vegas Trip... (A Trip full of Memories to last a Lifetime...)

Inside the Shops at The Venetian

The Rents

More Sister Love...

Entrance to the show Love (its a circus act based around The Beatles songs)

The Beatles Lounge!
The Strip
Shopping at the Venetian Hotel
Me and My Sissy

My Bestfriend Mesa

I get by with a alittle help from my Friends...

My Mommy and Daddy after my play

After playing Mrs.Hannigan in Annie

Lovin' Life!

Artifact #10- My Bible

This book is literally what got me through my whole year and what gets me through every day. With whatever struggle, fight or just if I'm having a horrible day, this book always has the answers for me. I don't really mean to bring my spiritual beliefs into this, but its just the truth! My Bible not only helps me answer questions to my every day life, but it also helps me get closer to god. Thats why I chose it as one of my artifacts!

Artifact #9- My Sunglasses

My sunglasses are absolutely amazing! They have always been on my face with every trip I have been on, whenever I went on the lake,etc. Anyway, these are also a very prized possession of mine because my grandparents gave them to me on my birthday.

Artifact #8- My Backpack

Without this bag, I would absolutely be lost. All of my school work would be so hectic and unorganized. Although I switched my backpacks around alot this year, this one was the best. It always had enough room for all of my random stuff,too.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Artifact #7- My Favorite Perfume

My Perfume is apart of what makes me unique. Its my own personal smell and I absolutely love it. Its called Love Spell from Victoria Secret and it smells like a bunch of flowers peed in a bottle. I love it!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Artifact #6-My Laptop

I absolutely love my laptop. Without it, I think I would literally fail out of school. Every project, homework,etc. I use my laptop to work on. Its also a great way to communicate to my friends through Facebook and Skype.

Artifact #5- My Journal

My Journal is so very important to me,because whatever I am feeling and whatever I am experiencing I can just write it down or draw it. To me this is like a friend and It just listens to me with whatever I have to say.

Artifact #4- Rose from my Grandfathers Funeral

Although it is dried up, this rose is so special to me. Every time I look at it, it reminds me of all the wonderful days I spent with my grandpa and how much I miss him. It also reminds me that he is in a better place and he will always be in my heart.

Artifact #3- My first piece of Nice Jewelry

If there was a fire in my house, I would definitely take this necklace with me. (Next to my cat,of Course) It's very special to me because my parents gave it to me on Christmas this year.

Atifact #2- Tennis Racket

My Tennis racket is another artifact that definitely makes a difference in my life. It effects the way I hit my serves, return my shots, and just all around play my tennis match. I love it!

Artifacts- #1- Character Shoes

My Character shoes are one of my most prized possessions. Whenever I am doing a show, they are always on my feet. I have absolutely worn them in with hardworking and dancing. But mostly hard work...

National and International Events during 8th Grade

National Events-

1. Swine Flu
May 2009-

2.Ipad Comes Out
April 2010-

3.Michael Jackson Dies
June 2009-

International Events-

1. Haiti Earthquake
January 2010-

2.Avatar comes out
December 2009-

3.The tallest man-made structure in the world is open in Dubai
January 2010-

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Me and Steph on the Snow Day in ATX

Great Wolf Lodge

Bluebonnets :)

Norah Jones Concert

Las Vegas

More Snowboarding...

Me as Mrs.Hannigan

Snowboarding in Jackson,Wyoming

Time Line of My 8th Grade Year!


8th grade year starts

14th Birthday
Grandfather Passes away
I visit my sister In California

Halloween 2009
First visit to Las Vegas with My family since 3rd grade
Visit to the New Cowboy Stadium

Thanksgiving 2009
Annual A&M v. UT football game...

Christmas 2009
Bucks Barn (Charity)
Snow day!
Got my video camera for Christmas
Traditional Ranch trip with my best friend Mesa

New Years! 2010
Sent in my Resume to Universal Studios
Reconnected with my best friend Connor from 6 years old!

Went to Great Wolf Lodge for Emma's Birthday!
Went to the Circus with Lily
Another (better) Snow day!

Spring Break
Visit Jackson,WY with my best friend Mesa
Snowboard for my first time ever
Start my Play at Kids Acting Studio

Ending to 8th grade year...

Norah Jones Concert
Last month of Middle School
Pedernales 2010
I played Mrs.Hannigan in the Play Annie
8th Grade Ends... :(

Reflections on 8th Grade!

Three Accomplishments from This Year-

1. Got back into Acting since 6th Grade

2. Got my top-spin on my serve in tennis

3. Passed my Reading and Math Taks!

Three Things that I would Love to Improve On-

1. Studying- My life would be 10 times better if I could improve on studying.Its such a good tool to have and I will most likely need it for the next 8 years of my life. I really need to find a good study ethic to suceed at Westlake

2. Acting- Acting is such a great thing for me because I get a chance to be anyone I want to. I would to improve on it, because I want to most likely major in something involving it in college,

3. Writing- I really like writing as it is, but I'm just not that good at it. I would really like to improve on it because I really like to write in my journal and it would be really nice to know different ways of Writing. Not that they don't teach us how to write in school, its just a boring way of writing in school.

Three Goals I have for 9th Grade-

1. Meet New People- I have already met so many amazing Westridge people that I just want to expand my friendships. I love to meet new people and get to know them! I think If I do this next year it will make my expirience 100 times better!

2. Make good grades- At Westlake High School It is very hard to make all A's but I plan on doing it! I just need a good study ethic! I also need to keep my grades up all four years because I would love to get into a good University.

3. Do the best I can- My parents always tell me this and It makes me feel so good. I know that I can always be content with myself If I know that I did the best I could.

A conversation with a friend that taught me about myself?-

One time my friend Maddie and I were talking about how we hate when people criticize other people. While we were talking about it, she admitted to me that I criticize people fairly a lot,too. Through this conversation, I not only learned that I am sometimes not the nicest person to people,but I also learned to fix the problem and be more empathetic towards people.


Favorite Thing I learned this year and Why?-

My favorite thing I learned this year would have to be learning about the holocaust in English because I find learning about that topic is so interesting.It was also fun to make the butterflies and put creativity into those. Its also very interesting to me how Hitler worked his army and how he rose to power. Another thing that I loved about this unit in English was reading Anne Frank's Diary! It was a great play and I've actually always wanted to read it.

Favorite Project and Why?-
My Favorite project of the whole school year would have to be the butterfly holocaust project because I really got to express myself through making that butterfly. I also loved seeing all of the butterflies hung out in the 8th grade hallway. There were so many different shapes,colors and designs, it always caught me off guard whenever I would walk down the hallway! It kind of reminded me of the individuality of each kid in the world.

Favorite Subject and Why?-
My favorite subject this year was American History because even though I wasn't the best at it Mrs.Fiske was still an amazing, funny teacher that I will never forget. She made the 8th grade a really fun and hilarious experience.
Text Color

Favorite Class and Why?-
My favorite class this year was my yearbook class because I really got to know some funny people and I got to know Mrs.Florey who is like a second mother to me now. It was also fun to mess with the 7th graders and get to know them at the same time. It was overall awesome. It was also amazing learning and seeing how our yearbooks are made. Whenever I saw the final product whenever the yearbook came out, it all paid off in the end. I was so proud of my layout!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Extracurricular Activities

Tennis- Tennis is such a great sport and I have met so many people through it. The tennis team at school was especially fun because Coach Van Meter was a really chill and fun coach. I also got sometime to hangout with my friends and also got to play some matches with them too. It was especially fun kicking Westridges sorry bottom. I am excited for Westlake tennis next year and ready to get to know the Westridge people and tennis players.

Bikram Yoga-When my mom first intrduced me to hot yoga, i thought it was going to be extremely hard. Once I started it though, I absolutely loved it. I love the way it makes me feel and how calm I am after. I introduced a lot of people in 8th grade,too. Theres something so refreshing about just sweating out your stress and worries. I am so thankful for my mom introducing me to it.

Acting- I've been acting for 6 years now and Its my absolute passion. Everything about it fascinates me so much and I love it. When I was told that they were having the play Annie at Kids Acting Studio, I just had to take advantage. I tried out and I got the roll of Mrs. Hannigan! Its been so fun to transform into this nasty, old women ever week. I also sent my resume into Universal Studios to be an extra for the movie True Grit. It was fun to go to the interview, but I didnt make it. Oh well, there will be more to come.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Top 5 Iphone Apps

1. Angry Birds

2. Facebook App

3.Words With Friends


5. Pet Playpen

5 Favorite YouTube Videos/Channels

1. Megan Hearts Make Up

2. Skype Laughter Chain

3. Singing Toilet

4. Retarded Running Horse


100 Things That I love Right Now!

Westlake Chaps
Norah Jones
Jack Johnson
John Mayer
Bob Marley
The Beatles
Gossip Girl
South Park
Biggie Smalls
Pass codes on the Iphone
TOMs shoes
30 Rock
The Office
Chace Crawford
Going to Friends ranches
Nicholas Sparks
The Notebook
lake Austin
Las Vegas
John Lennon
Ray Bans
Steve madden
San Francisco
Wanting to drive
white jeep Cherokees
Mac Computers
Hating math
Red Bull
my mommy
Westridge guys… :)
New York City
Saying “meow” at awkward times
cookies, cats and crutches
Will Farrell
Molly Shannon
the color pink
Jackson, Wyoming
Dwight Schrute
Photo booth
Mighty Fine
Urban Dictionary
Ski Shores
Santa Barbara, CA
singing in the shower
movie night
all nighters
yearbook class
downtown Austin
South congress
Shawshank redemption
Hey Cupcake
Audrey Hepburn
Jimmy Hendrix
Sending funny Pictures to friends over text
screen shooting funny things on my Iphone
Family Guy
Big Fish
Cleaning my room?...
shoe shopping
BP Nordstrom’s
Forever 21
Neiman Marcus
Sandy’s Ice Cream
Town Lake
Purple Haze